Make it last!!
Being yourself with many goals and leadership personality can make you a great community achiever.
Being yourself with many goals and leadership personality can make you a great community achiever.

I'm happy for what's surprising me... I thought I was not fit for this category like what others said, I'm worthless, useless, weird, childish... but those words becomes the COMPLETE opposite!! YES!! COMPLETE OPPOSITE!!
When I ask myself why me winning 1st place? is it because I was a major surprise center? Or they encountered self-expression for the first time?! Maybe many answers came into mind. They saw my potential in becoming a self advocate and of course, they (panelists) know and felt that I can be an effective leader for improving the autism community with my efforts, talent and ideas..
I realize that the numerology was just right! I can be an teacher and a lawyer and this winning of 1st place made me motivated to return to college and pursue a Bachelor's Degree in Special Education with a minor degree in Psychology and Sociology.. Oh Dear, this motivated me to study again since I've missed schooling honestly speaking here!! I wanted to use my voice to promote autism awareness and understanding because not all can listen and respond at the same time! I will never give up advocating for autism because that's my true blood and my kingdom!!!
6 months before that awards night happened.. here's the whole appreciation and acceptance speech after making it to the finalist for the INAP awards 2017.
This is the photo of nomination letter that I'm not a nominee of this Category!

That Palm Sunday answered my prayers! I thought, being a community achievement nominee would be only a dream or a word of mouth, but seeing this is such a shocking joy! From being an award recipient in Performing Arts (Adults) to a magnificent nominee for Community Achievement is such a joy for me since I've been dreaming of for so many months following my win last year! This category is my transitional category not only being a known performer but becoming an emerged community achiever not only in the arts but also in displaying independence as a person with autism. As a community achiever myself, I would love to share my achievements in life by giving motivational talks and advice. I also love to have it in a photo book with myself conveying such emotions - and that would be a plus.
Some might be too jealous of my achievements but this never bothered me becoming a prolific community achiever in life as I now made another first since last year that I'm being nominated in the Performing arts and became the first nominee and the first placer in the performing arts category in the adults group.
This category would not only be my transition but this will also proves that I can be more skillful and be a leader to my country and to the world with my talents and skills especially in the autism advocacy. If I'm being under appreciated to my own home turf, I'm being appreciate by the places that I'm not belonged because of my commitments! This will not only be my transition but this will be also my platform as a self advocate for autism advocacy even if I'm independent and I'm still proud of it!
Thank you for another chance ANCA and INAP Panelist-Judges. 

Archived from April 10 post on my personal profile!
I can't really wait for the award bringing here to the Philippines!! :) :) :)
I can't stop waiting for that, I'm very serious!
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