Where did I know this contest?
I did saw it thru a facebook group called "The Philippine Eurovision Group" where I was a member since June 2017. Upon the great support and encouragement, I decided to give a try and share this plan on joining 1in360 also to my friend who is also an autism parent and has a son who has autism as we practiced for a fund raising concert that time.
Song choice?
I have many songs in mind. However, I chose a top and hard song by Christina Aguilera called "Hurt" right after I've heard it from a show "Ya Khochu V Viagru" where the group mentored by Nadiya Granovskaya sang that song and I decided to give it a try right after I study the song in silent while walking around the mall and buy some foods and a drink as I play this song over and over again and think of the interpretation of it. Then I practiced and sang the song on the spot at the Bautista residence where I recorded the whole song in the video for the submission in 1in360 where I submitted it early and has gracefully posted in the 1in360 platform.
How does it feel to be a proud Filipino delegate representing the Philippines for 1in360 contest? The status of the posts? The impact of the post for viewers?
Well, I received a hate comment on how my voice sounded but I fought back to that comment with a very deep yet approachable way of saying it without such foul languages while there is someone disliked it. However, on the brighter side, I received such encouraging comments on my entry especially one from Spain and Thailand. Sorry for not making a habit to screenshot the comments since the video was shortly removed.
While I've felt that dislike was a piece on insecurity due to my God gifted voice according to my boyfriend's mom. And it's true to them while myself I agreed into it. Well, supportive souls are stronger than judgmental souls!
The status of the post was lacking views since the growing number of the entries has been increased than I thought where they have many views on it comparing to mine. I also decided to share my video entry to my facebook profile and one of my ANCA friends commented on that post where they're sending such unconditional support for my hopes of becoming one of the finalists and possibly to be a Eurovision representative for San Marino in which I was eager to reach that goal.
The Belgian response?
I got a very surprising support from that country and I was being the main topic two times and I got honored of being recognized for my talent since I'm also in the country full of very remarkable talent particularly in singing (chante.. chante.. chante..) where my video entry and my talent along presence was well appreciated too. However, since the article is in French language - the one half official language of Belgium. The very living proof here is this part of the article to stop the doubting!
"Ne retenez qu’un seul nom : Vell Baria. De ces 250 premiers candidats, c’est la seule qui m’a fait ouvrir les yeux sur le champ, c’est la seule qui m’a captivé de bout en bout, c’est la seule qui m’a mis la larme à l’oeil, c’est la seule dont j’ai réécouté la prestation plusieurs fois."(Only remember one name: Vell Baria. Of all these 250 first candidates, it's the only one that opened my eyes on the field, it's the only one that captivated me from end to end, it's the only one that brought me the tears from the eye, it's the only one I've listened to several times.)
Voilà où j’en suis à titre personnel : arrêtez cette sélection et envoyez Vell à Lisbonne. C’est elle ! Pour moi, c’est elle et rien qu’elle ! Donnez-lui un morceau du calibre de « Sound of Silence » ou de « Beautiful Mess » et elle emmènera Saint-Marin, non seulement en finale, mais certainement sur le podium. Je le pense et je le dis avec sincérité : Vell a le potentiel d’offrir à Saint-Marin le meilleur classement de son histoire.(This is where I am personally: stop this selection and send Vell to Lisbon. It's her ! For me, it's her and nothing! Give it a piece of the caliber of "Sound of Silence" or "Beautiful Mess" and it will take San Marino, not only in the final, but certainly on the podium. I think so and I say it with sincerity: Vell has the potential to offer San Marino the highest ranking in its history.)
Vell a plus qu’une voix remarquable. Vell a une histoire. Et en matière d’Eurovision, cela compte. Vell est autiste. Son handicap n’a jamais été une entrave à la poursuite de ses rêves : devenir une artiste reconnue. Son plus grand désir actuel : participer à l’Eurovision. Oui, Vell est une fan du Concours. Sur sa chaîne YouTube, elle aligne les reprises, passant avec aisance de LoveWave à Molitva.(Vell has more than a remarkable voice. Vell has a story. And in terms of Eurovision, that matters. Vell is autistic. Her disability has never been a hindrance to the pursuit of her dreams: to become a recognized artist. Her biggest current desire: to participate in Eurovision. Yes, Vell is a fan of the contest. On her YouTube channel, she aligns covers, moving easily from LoveWave to Molitva.)
Reference: https://eurovision-quotidien.com/1-in-360-premier-bilan/Moving forward, I came in that article to read on the comments of the readers and I must admit I got to translate it much to understand it's English equivalent! (via Google Translate). Where I have to share my friendly response and it's appreciation how I became an influential example for the first review of the best entrants of the 1in360 plus I was the main highlight in which it was a rare chance as well of all the potential possibilities who are way too better than I where I was blessed for that recognition and it was indeed enough for me!
Bonjour tout les monde!
I am so happy with so much handful of supporters and I can’t expect this kind of gesture. However, on the other hand, there are many potentials who are way better than me for the spot. On the brighter side, it’s also such a surprising feeling that I got teary eyed with those fantastic supporters out there who helped me encouraged to work hard and keep moving towards my goal to inspire people with my talent as a person with autism. I thanked all of you for that warm support and that MEANS alot to me!! Yeahhh ….
MY AUTISM STORYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6mAtMj70kY&list=PLYe-NwcE-LnWykf5Fq-AwngfZ6Z2EDT36https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyApM9OTKG8&list=PLYe-NwcE-LnUPKjaF9mItJYWur-EtXyAt
My main goal here as a performer is to advocate autism awareness and never stop working on inspiring and serving a piece of kindness in which every Eurovision countries need to know!!!! Yes, I won’t stop working for advocating autism awareness and understanding especially in Europe. For me, Europe’s autism awareness are in a developing level of support since it wasn’t a hot topic but that doesn’t mean they lacked support for this kind of cause. Frankly speaking, I saw many Europeans (honestly speaking) who never know about autism community and it’s literary meaning of it. As an individual with autism who is musically talented, I’ve never forget to put serving people in my top priority list (aka my primary attitude) while talent comes into secondary role especially autism has become vast in population in my home country in the USA and Canada to name a few.
Speaking of Canada and USA, it was way back in 2016 when I won my first INAP Award for Performing Arts (1st place) and being appointed as one of the ANCA WORLD AMBASSADOR-It was a MAJOR BIG BEGINNING to enhance my inner advocate in me and this also inspired me to conduct a workshop called « Stand Up, Speak Up and Fight for the Right » wherein I talked about the good news, bad news and best rewards of my country’s autism community where I also gave an interactive activity called « DISABLE THE LABEL » wherein they wrote negative and positive definitions about AUTISM and that overall impact and success of my workshop with my counterpart from United Kingdom who is also a prolific speaker and motivational speaker-activist with autism named Joely Colmer (2016 INAP Award recipient in Community Achievement) who become my constant supporter who never stopped to encourage me to be a better advocate! Speaking of community achievement, I was successfully able to succeed my workshop partner for the 1st place award for Community Achievement for my home country and this has become a 2nd BEST for my home country and for myself!! That’s unexpected!! yes… it is.. I came to realize that I can attract many people with my talent and my advocacy along with my small gesture of serving to inspire people with all those abilities I have was such a God given talent.
IF I AM PICKED FOR A SANMARINESE REPRESENTATIONIf I were given such a chance to represent San Marino, I will love to channel their unusual attitude to get out of the comfort zone by being the future WARRIOR MICROSTATE of Eurovision and prove all ESC countries WRONG after San Marino wasn’t given a major chance for the finals or in the 1st place!! For me, San Marino has become the most humble country despite little appreciation but to me, San Marino needs more of a strong personality for the ESC stage, they have more to show for the stage believe me!!
To me, being a representative for this country for me was not just SINGING and SINGING and BEING FAMOUS just like what we saw usually (hope you all don’t got me WRONG) !! Let’s break those childish outlook of a performer!! Let’s add the « Serving other people » in the attitude list of a performer, and have « Regal aura » and knowledge of what the country I’ve represented through research and appreciation of the culture without losing the freedom to appreciate other cultures of course. In other words, I’ll never forget the diplomatic attitude of taking part of « low-key » musical invites relation to my music and autism advocacy because I believe in my parody saying of « WHAT IS MUSIC if the meaning is EMPTY?!!! » and I’ll carry my inner advocate in me as I share to you the quote by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau « Who cares about winning? We should focus on Serving! »
MY CURRENT VIEWS OF ESC (NOWADAYS)I was just sad and disheartened of the spirit of the ESC nowadays is because to me, the reason why there are so many potential countries never made it to the finals (y’all already know what it is) of the recent ESC 2017 being robbed a top 10 or whatsoever? is because of too much political-correctness where the spirit of musical harmony has been non-existed or almost that way, yes! that kind of goal of having that musical harmony has lost in the priority goal of the contest especially they do not know what was the song’s musical infancy – like it’s meaning of the song? what was the song about? what was the mood? what was the style? (e.g 1944) but they assumably made judgments of it. That attitude of bad judgment, discrimination and lack of appreciation of the efforts are become hindrances of music appreciation! yes! you’ve heard me right!!
A major lesson here, is simply appreciate every music made by ESC artists because it’s worth the effort, the commission and it’s blood-sweat-tears type of hard work that they’ve done!! Even artists we’ve seen in the ESC stage are also human and never reach perfections but inspirations! It’s just like you are eating a food that’s unusual (surprisingly speaking) to the taste buds that becomes uncomfortable from the start that has become usual to the next impression.
I apologized for acknowledging mistakes for all of us to know what things needed us to know and improve out of those wrongdoings in order for us not to make the same mistakes again!
Again, I am happy to support ESC and be supported in return!
Written in Nobember 9, 2017I feel the love from Belgians and from the ESC French speaking readers despite not being much fluent in the language but can speak a little of the language since I'm also learning at the same time!
In return, Pauly W replied back with this one:
Source: http://forum.eurovision-fr.net/index.php/topic,16288.msg835345.html?PHPSESSID=5c1c77609447fd84cf2a95c8f0e4c2f7#msg835345From the French, I ended winning 7 points and it was not bad at all. It was more of a miracle reward since my fan base was more for the Francophone right after realizations from Belgians, now it's the French who sends support for my video entry with a 7 point reward and I felt blessed once more! Merci beaucoup France! (in Emmanuel Macron voice!)
Pour moi, c'est un en point et par encouragement, c'est magnifique avec actuell pour la moment!
(For me, it is on point and by encouragement, it's magnificent with desire for the moment).Well, from the UK - Paul Potts is the name! Well, I have no more comments for that but to cut it short, I am being given a critique for my video entry and in my performance overall.
Now in the UK, we have what is called a 'Paul Potts Moment'. It is where you are looking at someone who has just come on stage, someone totally unassuming and normal, someone who you initially think will have no talent whatsoever and then...
You get someone like Vell Baria! Did you imagine THAT voice coming out of that mouth? Did you imagine that vocal talent being unleashed from that obviously shy and restrained exterior? That is why, at the time, I went for Vell as my top selection in the Fan Group vote - her voice totally blew me away and the video appeared quite early on in the submission process and therefore ended up being the yardstick to judge others by. So much power, every word sung so clearly, every note hit spot on - all that combined with a superb emotional delivery whilst singing - and yet when she finished, Vell was back to being a normal Philippine lady again, no airs or graces, just loving singing. I really hope that the jurors in San Marino still consider her for the live shows, despite needing to bring her halfway around the world to perform there!
Source: http://eurovisionthroughtheages.blogspot.com/2017/12/lmbto-san-marino-eurovision-2018-1000.html
The Shortlist Stage!
Thanksgiving for making it to the Wildcard shortlist by fan clubs and I'm proud of it!
These candidates who were selected by fan clubs for the shortlist are the ones who are going to be voted. However, I didn't' have any votes nor any points this time and it was won by EMMA from Iceland. So I felt the sadness in my heart as I have my deepest desire to compete for Eurovision and even perform for that contest.
I didn't made it to the top 10 for live shows and didn't win the online's choice due to many potentials better than me for that coveted title.

Any favorite 1in360 entry?
My favorite video entry was from my compatriot name Gilda O'Casla with her song "You're The BEST" and it really reminded me of the song PPAP by Piko Taro for it's upbeat flavor!
While the other one was from Aurora Lecis from Italy where I appreciate her soulful singing voice and it reminded me of a fellow Italian singer named Giorgia! (Amoooooorrreeee~)
Also from Ending Sequence from Spain another best fit for the 1in360 and I hope I could hear more of them and even have a duet with them just like Bella and the Jukebox of Romania!
Plans for the 1in360 this year?
YES and it's a YES and I have to try it for the 2nd time in the grace period and be faithful to the outcome of the tryout! And there's always a second chance and why not taking it once more!
Thanksgiving message to those who supported?
Thank you to all who supported me through out the 2017 1in360 course and I'll promise and will do more Eurovision covers and never stop doing that habit to make you all happy and stay inspired! You know what, that's the real commitment of an artist who shares realness of the talent and the generosity to give faith and hope to those who want to hear the high quality of music and talent!
Of course, like what I've said, I may expressed the sadness in that moment and being unwanted in that moment, I will not stop supporting the Eurovision songs by doing covers and share it to the world! I promise and I will make you all proud even outside ESC covers circle with more skills I have and achievements in life! Will never give up on all of you, I promise that! All I need now is encouragements to keep me going!
Love you all!
Here's my video entry for the 2017 1in360 contest
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